PowerAda Specifications for Posix Ada Packages

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The remainder of this appendix includes the specifications for the Ada83/Ada95 implementation of the POSIX/Ada Packages.

The disclaimer at the beginning applies to all the source that follows. Also, note that these are based on the specification IEEE Std 1003.5-1992 rather than the newer IEEE Std 1003.6-1996, although the specifications of these packages are very similar.


-- These package specifications were extracted from IEEE Std 1003.5-1992,
-- IEEE Standard for Information Technology--POSIX Ada Language
-- Interfaces--Part 1: Binding System Application Program Interface,
-- copyright (c)1992 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
-- Engineers, Inc.  These package specifications represent only a portion
-- of the document and are not to be interpreted as the approved
-- consensus standard.  The IEEE Std 1003.5-1992 must be used in
-- conjunction with these package specifications in order to claim
-- conformance.  The IEEE takes no responsibility for and will assume no
-- liability for damages resulting from the reader's misinterpreting of
-- said information resulting from its out of context nature.  To order
-- copies of the IEEE Std 1003.5-1992, please contact the IEEE Service
-- Center at 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331; via
-- phone at 1-800-678-IEEE, 908-981-1393; or via fax at 908-981-9667.


with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX is
    -- Symbolic subtypes and constants
    -- Optional Facilities
    subtype Job_Control_Support is Boolean range True .. True;
    subtype Saved_IDs_Support  is Boolean range True .. True;
    subtype Change_Owner_Restriction is Boolean range True .. True;
    subtype Filename_Truncation is Boolean range False .. False;
    System_POSIX_Version : constant := 1990_09;
    POSIX_Ada_Version    : constant := 1992_06;
    -- I/O Count
    type IO_Count is range 0..16#7FFF_FFFF#;
    subtype IO_Count_Maxima is IO_Count range 32767..IO_Count'Last;
    -- System Limits
    Portable_Groups_Maximum : constant Natural := 0;
    subtype Groups_Maxima is Natural range 0 .. 32;
    Portable_Argument_List_Maximum : constant Natural := 4096;
    subtype Argument_List_Maxima is Natural range 4096 .. 24576;
    Portable_Child_Processes_Maximum : constant Natural := 6;
    subtype Child_Processes_Maxima is Natural range 6 .. 40;
    Portable_Open_Files_Maximum : constant Natural := 16;
    subtype Open_Files_Maxima is Natural range 16 .. 2000;
    Portable_Stream_Maximum : constant Natural := 8;
    subtype Stream_Maxima is Natural range 8 .. 2000;
    Portable_Time_Zone_String_Maximum : constant Natural := 3;
    subtype Time_Zone_String_Maxima is Natural range 3 .. 255;
      -- Pathname Variable Values
    Portable_Link_Limit_Maximum : constant Natural := 8;
    subtype Link_Limit_Maxima is Natural range 8 .. 32767;
    Portable_Input_Line_Limit_Maximum : constant IO_Count := 255;
    subtype Input_Line_Limit_Maxima is IO_Count range 255 .. 256;
    Portable_Input_Queue_Limit_Maximum : constant IO_Count := 255;
    subtype Input_Queue_Limit_Maxima is IO_Count range 255 .. 512;
    Portable_Filename_Limit_Maximum : constant Natural := 14;
    subtype Filename_Limit_Maxima is Natural range 14 .. 255;
    Portable_Pathname_Limit_Maximum : constant Natural := 255;
    subtype Pathname_Limit_Maxima is Natural range 255 .. 1023;
    Portable_Pipe_Limit_Maximum : constant IO_Count := 512;
    subtype Pipe_Limit_Maxima is IO_Count range 512 .. 32768;
      -- Blocking Behavior Values
    type Blocking_Behavior is (Tasks, Program);
    subtype Text_IO_Blocking_Behavior is Blocking_Behavior
            range Program .. Program;
    IO_Blocking_Behavior             : constant Blocking_Behavior := Program;
    File_Lock_Blocking_Behavior      : constant Blocking_Behavior := Program;
    Wait_For_Child_Blocking_Behavior : constant Blocking_Behavior := Program;
    -- Signal Masking
    type Signal_Masking is (No_Signals, RTS_Signals, All_Signals);
    -- Characters and Strings
    type POSIX_Character is new Character;
      for POSIX_Character'Size use 8;
    -- ** Ada83 definition **
    --  type POSIX_Character is
    --    ( NUL, SOH, STX, ETX, EOT, ENQ, ACK, BEL,
    --      BS,  HT,  LF,  VT,  FF,  CR,  SO,  SI,
    --      DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, NAK, SYN, ETB,
    --      CAN, EM,  SUB, ESC, FS,  GS,  RS,  US,
    --      ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&amp;', ''',
    --      '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
    --      '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
    --      '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
    --      '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
    --      'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
    --      'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
    --      'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_',
    --      '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
    --      'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
    --      'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
    --      'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', DEL,
    --      C128, C129, C130, C131, C132, C133, C134, C135,
    --      C136, C137, C138, C139, C140, C141, C142, C143,
    --      C144, C145, C146, C147, C148, C149, C150, C151,
    --      C152, C153, C154, C155, C156, C157, C158, C159,
    --      C160, C161, C162, C163, C164, C165, C166, C167,
    --      C168, C169, C170, C171, C172, C173, C174, C175,
    --      C176, C177, C178, C179, C180, C181, C182, C183,
    --      C184, C185, C186, C187, C188, C189, C190, C191,
    --      C192, C193, C194, C195, C196, C197, C198, C199,
    --      C200, C201, C202, C203, C204, C205, C206, C207,
    --      C208, C209, C210, C211, C212, C213, C214, C215,
    --      C216, C217, C218, C219, C220, C221, C222, C223,
    --      C224, C225, C226, C227, C228, C229, C230, C231,
    --      C232, C233, C234, C235, C236, C237, C238, C239,
    --      C240, C241, C242, C243, C244, C245, C246, C247,
    --      C248, C249, C250, C251, C252, C253, C254, C255 );
    --    for POSIX_Character'Size use 8;
    type POSIX_String is array (Positive range <>) of POSIX_Character;
    function To_POSIX_String (Str : string) return POSIX_String;
    function To_String (Str : POSIX_String) return string;
    subtype Filename is POSIX_String;
    subtype Pathname is POSIX_String;
    function Is_Filename (Str : POSIX_String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Pathname (Str : POSIX_String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Portable_Filename (Str : POSIX_String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Portable_Pathname (Str : POSIX_String) return Boolean;
    -- String Lists
    type POSIX_String_List is limited private;
    Empty_String_List : constant POSIX_String_List;
    procedure Make_Empty (List : in out POSIX_String_List);
    procedure Append (List     : in out POSIX_String_List;
                      Str      : in     POSIX_String);
        with procedure Action
                     (Item : in POSIX_String;
                      Quit : in out Boolean);
    procedure For_Every_Item (List : in     POSIX_String_List);
    function Length (List : POSIX_String_List) return Natural;
    function Value (List  : POSIX_String_List; Index : Positive)
        return POSIX_String;
    -- option sets
    type Option_Set is private;
    function Empty_Set return Option_Set;
    function "+" (L, R : Option_Set) return Option_Set;
    function "-" (L, R : Option_Set) return Option_Set;
    -- Exceptions and error codes
    POSIX_Error: exception;
    type Error_Code is range 0 .. 255;
      for Error_Code'Size use 32;
    function Get_Error_Code return Error_Code;
    procedure Set_Error_Code (Error: in   Error_Code);
    function Is_POSIX_Error (Error: Error_Code) return Boolean;
    function Image (Error: Error_Code) return String;
    No_Error                      : constant Error_Code := 0;
    Argument_List_Too_Long        : constant Error_Code := 7;   -- E2BIG
    Bad_File_Descriptor           : constant Error_Code := 9;   -- EBADF
    Broken_Pipe                   : constant Error_Code := 32;  -- EPIPE
    Directory_Not_Empty           : constant Error_Code := 87;  -- ENOTEMPTY
    Exec_Format_Error             : constant Error_Code := 8;   -- ENOEXEC
    File_Exists                   : constant Error_Code := 17;  -- EEXIST
    File_Too_Large                : constant Error_Code := 27;  -- EFBIG
    Filename_Too_Long             : constant Error_Code := 86;  -- ENAMETOOLONG
    Improper_Link                 : constant Error_Code := 18;  -- EXDEV;
                                  : constant Error_Code := 25;  -- ENOTTY;
    Input_Output_Error            : constant Error_Code := 5;   -- EIO;
    Interrupted_Operation         : constant Error_Code := 4;   -- EINTR;
    Invalid_Argument              : constant Error_Code := 22;  -- EINVAL;
    Invalid_Seek                  : constant Error_Code := 29;  -- ESPIPE;
    Is_A_Directory                : constant Error_Code := 21;  -- EISDIR;
    No_Child_Process              : constant Error_Code := 10;  -- ECHILD;
    No_Locks_Available            : constant Error_Code := 49;  -- ENOLCK;
    No_Space_Left_On_Device       : constant Error_Code := 28;  -- ENOSPC;
    No_Such_Operation_On_Device   : constant Error_Code := 19;  -- ENODEV;
    No_Such_Device_Or_Address     : constant Error_Code := 6;   -- ENXIO;
    No_Such_File_Or_Directory     : constant Error_Code := 2;   -- ENOENT;
    No_Such_Process               : constant Error_Code := 3;   -- ESRCH;
    Not_A_Directory               : constant Error_Code := 20;  -- ENOTDIR;
    Not_Enough_Space              : constant Error_Code := 12;  -- ENOMEM;
    Operation_Not_Implemented     : constant Error_Code := 109; -- ENOSYS;
    Operation_Not_Permitted       : constant Error_Code := 1;   -- EPERM;
    Permission_Denied             : constant Error_Code := 13;  -- EACCES;
    Read_Only_File_System         : constant Error_Code := 30;  -- EROFS;
    Resource_Busy                 : constant Error_Code := 16;  -- EBUSY;
    Resource_Deadlock_Avoided     : constant Error_Code := 45;  -- EDEADLK;
                                  : constant Error_Code := 11;  -- EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK
    Too_Many_Links                : constant Error_Code := 31;  -- EMLINK;
    Too_Many_Open_Files           : constant Error_Code := 24;  -- EMFILE;
    Too_Many_Open_Files_In_System : constant Error_Code := 24;  -- ENFILE;
    -- System Identification
    function System_Name return POSIX_String;
    function Node_Name return POSIX_String;
    function Release return POSIX_String;
    function Version return POSIX_String;
    function Machine return POSIX_String;
end POSIX;


with POSIX,
package POSIX_Process_Primitives is
    -- Process Template
    type Process_Template is limited private;
    procedure Open_Template (Template : in out Process_Template);
    procedure Close_Template (Template : in out Process_Template);
    procedure Set_Keep_Effective_IDs
            (Template : in out Process_Template);
    procedure Set_Signal_Mask
            (Template : in out Process_Template;
             Mask     : in     POSIX_Signals.Signal_Set);
    procedure Set_Creation_Signal_Masking
            (Template       : in out Process_Template;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    procedure Set_File_Action_To_Close
            (Template : in out Process_Template;
             File     : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor);
    procedure Set_File_Action_To_Open
            (Template    : in out Process_Template;
             File        : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Name        : in     POSIX.Pathname;
             Mode        : in     POSIX_IO.File_Mode
                         := POSIX_IO.Read_Only;
             Options     : in     POSIX_IO.Open_Option_Set
                         := POSIX_IO.Empty_Set);
    procedure Set_File_Action_To_Duplicate
            (Template  : in out Process_Template;
             File      : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             From_File : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor);
    -- Process Creation
    procedure Start_Process
            (Child    :    out POSIX_Process_Identification.Process_ID;
             Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname;
             Template : in     Process_template;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List);
    procedure Start_Process
            (Child    :    out POSIX_Process_Identification.Process_ID;
             Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname;
             Template : in     Process_Template;
             Env_List : in     POSIX_Process_Environment.Environment;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List);
    procedure Start_Process_Search
            (Child    :    out POSIX_Process_Identification.Process_ID;
             Filename : in     POSIX.Filename;
             Template : in     Process_Template;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List);
    procedure Start_Process_Search
            (Child    :    out POSIX_Process_Identification.Process_ID;
            Filename  : in     POSIX.Filename;
            Template  : in     Process_Template;
            Env_List  : in     POSIX_Process_Environment.Environment;
            Arg_List  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List);
    -- Process Exit
    type Exit_Status is range 0 .. 2**8-1;
    Normal_Exit              : constant Exit_Status := 0;
    Failed_Creation_Exit     : constant Exit_Status := 41;
    Unhandled_Exception_Exit : constant Exit_Status := 42;
    procedure Exit_Process (Status : in     Exit_Status := Normal_Exit);
    -- Termination Status
    type Termination_Status is private;
    type Termination_Cause  is 
            (Exited, Terminated_By_Signal, Stopped_By_Signal);
    function Status_Available (Status : Termination_Status)
        return Boolean;
    function Process_ID_Of (Status : Termination_Status)
        return POSIX_Process_Identification.Process_ID;
    function Termination_Cause_Of (Status : Termination_Status)
            return Termination_Cause;
    function Exit_Status_Of (Status : Termination_Status)
        return Exit_Status;
    function Termination_Signal_Of (Status : Termination_Status)
        return POSIX_Signals.Signal;
    function Stopping_Signal_Of (Status : Termination_Status)
        return POSIX_Signals.Signal;
    -- Wait for Process Termination
    procedure Wait_For_Child_Process
            (Status         :    out Termination_Status;
             Child          : in     POSIX_Process_Identification
             Block          : in     Boolean := True;
             Trace_Stopped  : in     Boolean := True;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    procedure Wait_for_Child_Process
            (Status         :    out Termination_Status;
             Group          : in     POSIX_Process_Identification
             Block          : in     Boolean := True;
             Trace_Stopped  : in     Boolean := True;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    procedure Wait_for_Child_Process
            (Status         :    out Termination_Status;
             Block          : in     Boolean := True;
             Trace_Stopped  : in     Boolean := True;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
end POSIX.Process_Primitives;


with POSIX,
package POSIX.Unsafe_Process_Primitives is
    -- Process Creation
    function Fork
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.Process_ID;
    -- File Execution
    procedure Exec
            (Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List;
             Env_List : in     POSIX_Process_Environment.Environment);
    procedure Exec
            (Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List);
    procedure Exec_Search
            (Filename : in     POSIX.Filename;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List;
             Env_List : in     POSIX_Process_Environment.Environment);
    procedure Exec_Search
            (Filename : in     POSIX.Filename;
             Arg_List : in     POSIX.POSIX_String_List
                      := POSIX.Empty_String_List);
end POSIX.Unsafe_Process_Primitives;


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Signals is
    -- Signal Type
    type Signal is new Ada.Interrupts.Interrupt_ID;
    -- ** In Ada83, this is:
    -- type Signal is new Int range 0 .. 63;
    function Image(Sig  : Signal) 
        return String;
    function Value(Str  : String) 
        return Signal;
    -- Standard Signals (required)
    Signal_Null, SIGNULL          : constant Signal;
    Signal_Abort, SIGABRT         : constant Signal;
    Signal_Alarm, SIGALRM         : constant Signal;
    SIGFPE                        : constant Signal;
    Signal_Hangup, SIGHUP         : constant Signal;
    SIGILL                        : constant Signal;
    Signal_Interrupt, SIGINT      : constant Signal;
    Signal_Kill, SIGKILL          : constant Signal;
    Signal_Pipe_Write, SIGPIPE    : constant Signal;
    Signal_Quit, SIGQUIT          : constant Signal;
    SIGSEGV                       : constant Signal;
    Signal_Terminate, SIGTERM     : constant Signal;
    Signal_User_1, SIGUSR1        : constant Signal;
    Signal_User_2, SIGUSR2        : constant Signal;
    -- Standard Signals (job control)
    Signal_Child, SIGCHLD         : constant Signal;
    Signal_Continue, SIGCONT      : constant Signal;
    Signal_Stop, SIGSTOP          : constant Signal;
    Signal_Terminal_Stop, SIGTSTP : constant Signal;
    SIGTTIN                       : constant Signal;
    SIGTTOU                       : constant Signal;
    -- Signal Handler References
    Signal_Abort_Ref           : constant System.Address;
      -- Signal_Alarm intentionally omitted.
      -- Signal_Floating_Point_Error intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Hangup_Ref          : constant System.Address;
       -- Signal_Illegal_Instruction intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Interrupt_Ref       : constant System.Address;
      -- Signal_Kill intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Pipe_Write_Ref      : constant System.Address;
    Signal_Quit_Ref            : constant System.Address;
      -- Signal_Segmentation_Violation intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Terminate_Ref       : constant System.Address;
    Signal_User_1_Ref          : constant System.Address;
    Signal_User_2_Ref          : constant System.Address;
    Signal_Child_Ref           : constant System.Address;
    Signal_Continue_Ref        : constant System.Address;
      -- Signal_Stop intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Terminal_Stop_Ref   : constant System.Address;
    Signal_Terminal_Input_Ref  : constant System.Address;
    Signal_Terminal_Output_Ref : constant System.Address;
    -- Signal Sets
    type Signal_Set is private;
    procedure Add_Signal
            (Set : in out Signal_Set;
             Sig : in     Signal);
    procedure Add_All_Signals (Set : in out Signal_Set);
    procedure Delete_Signal
            (Set : in out Signal_Set;
             Sig : in     Signal);
    procedure Delete_All_Signals (Set : in out Signal_Set);
    function Is_Member
            (Set : Signal_Set;
             Sig : Signal)
        return Boolean;
    -- Sending a Signal
    procedure Send_Signal
            (Process : in     POSIX_Process_Indentification.Process_ID;
             Sig     : in     Signal);
    procedure Send_Signal
            (Group   : in     POSIX_Process_Indentification.Process_Group_ID;
             Sig     : in     Signal);
    procedure Send_Signal (Sig : in     Signal);
    -- Blocking and Unblocking Signals
    procedure Set_Blocked_Signals
            (New_Mask : in     Signal_Set;
             Old_Mask :    out Signal_Set);
    procedure Block_Signals
            (Mask_to_Add : in     Signal_Set;
             Old_Mask    :    out Signal_Set);
    procedure Unblock_Signals
            (Mask_to_Subtract : in     Signal_Set;
             Old_Mask         :    out Signal_Set);
    function Blocked_Signals 
        return Signal_Set;
    -- Ignoring Signals
    procedure Ignore_Signal (Sig : in     Signal);
    procedure Unignore_Signal (Sig : in     Signal);
    function Is_Ignored (Sig : Signal)
        return Boolean;
    -- Controlling Delivery of Signal_Child Signal
    procedure Set_Stopped_Child_Signal 
            (Enable : in     Boolean := True);
    function Stopped_Child_Signal_Enabled
        return Boolean;
    -- Examining Pending Signals
    function Pending_Signals
        return Signal_Set;
end POSIX_Signals;


with POSIX;
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Process_Indentification is
    -- Process Identification 
    type Process_ID is private;
    Null_Process_ID : constant Process_ID;
    System_Process_ID : constant Process_ID;
    function Get_Process_ID
        return Process_ID;
    function Get_Parent_Process_ID
        return Process_ID;
    function Image (ID : Process_ID)
        return Standard.String;
    function Value (Str : Standard.String )
        return Process_ID ;
    -- Process Group Identification
    type Process_Group_ID is private;
    function Get_Process_Group_ID
        return Process_Group_ID;
    procedure Set_Process_Group_ID
            (Process       : in     Process_ID
                           := Get_Process_ID;
             Process_Group : in     Process_Group_ID
                           := Get_Process_Group_ID);
    procedure Create_Process_Group 
            (Process       : in     Process_ID;
             Process_Group :    out Process_Group_ID);
    procedure Create_Session (Session_Leader : out Process_Group_ID);
    function Image (ID : Process_Group_ID)
        return Standard.String;
    function Value (Str : Standard.String )
        return Process_Group_ID ;
    -- User Identification
    type User_ID is private;
    function Get_Real_User_ID
        return User_ID;
    function Get_Effective_User_ID
        return User_ID;
    procedure Set_User_ID (ID : in     User_ID);
    function Get_Login_Name
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    function Image (ID : User_ID)
        return Standard.String;
    function Value (Str : Standard.String)
        return User_ID ;
    -- User Group Identification
    type Group_ID is private;
    function Get_Real_Group_ID
        return Group_ID;
    function Get_Effective_Group_ID
        return Group_ID;
    procedure Set_Group_ID (ID : in     Group_ID);
    subtype Group_List_Index is positive range 1..POSIX.Groups_Maxima'Last;
    type Group_List is array (Group_List_Index range <>) of Group_ID;
    function Get_Groups
        return Group_List;
    function Image (ID : Group_ID)
        return Standard.String;
    function Value (Str : Standard.String)
        return Group_ID;
end POSIX_Process_Indentification;


with POSIX;
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Process_Times is
    Ticks_Per_Second : constant := 100;
    type Tick_Count is new <implementation-defined 32-bit signed integer>
                       -- Minimally 0 to 24 hours
    function Elapsed_Real_Time
        return Tick_Count;
    type Process_Times is private;
    function Get_Process_Times
        return Process_Times;
    function Elapsed_Real_Time_Of (Times : Process_Times)
        return Tick_Count;
    function User_CPU_Time_Of (Times : Process_Times)
        return Tick_Count;
    function System_CPU_Time_Of (Times : Process_Times)
        return Tick_Count;
    function Descendants_User_CPU_Time_Of (Times : Process_Times)
        return Tick_Count;
    function Descendants_System_CPU_Time_Of (Times : Process_Times)
        return Tick_Count;
end POSIX_Process_Times;


with POSIX;
package POSIX_Process_Environment is
    -- Process Parameters
    function Argument_List
        return POSIX.POSIX_String_List;
    -- Environment Variables
    type Environment is limited private;
    procedure Copy_From_Current_Environment
            (Env : in out Environment);
    procedure Copy_To_Current_Environment
            (Env : in     Environment);
    procedure Copy_Environment
            (Source : in     Environment;
             Target : in out Environment);
    function Environment_Value_Of
            (Name      : POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Env       : Environment;
             Undefined : POSIX.POSIX_String := "" )
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    function Environment_Value_Of
            (Name      : POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Undefined : POSIX.POSIX_String := "" )
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    function Is_Environment_Variable
            (Name : POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Env  : Environment)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Environment_Variable
            (Name : POSIX.POSIX_String)
        return Boolean;
    procedure Clear_Environment
            (Env: in out Environment);
    procedure Clear_Environment;
    procedure Set_Environment_Variable
            (Name  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Value : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Env   : in out Environment);
    procedure Set_Environment_Variable
            (Name  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Value : in     POSIX.POSIX_String);
    procedure Delete_Environment_Variable
            (Name  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
             Env   : in out Environment);
    procedure Delete_Environment_Variable
            (Name  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String);
    function Length (Env : Environment)
        return Natural;
    function Length 
        return Natural;
        with procedure Action
                     (Name  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
                      Value : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
                      Quit  : in out Boolean);
    procedure For_Every_Environment_Variable
            (Env : in     Environment);
        with procedure Action
                     (Name  : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
                      Value : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
                      Quit  : in out Boolean);
    procedure For_Every_Current_Environment_Variable;
    -- Process Working Directory
    procedure Change_Working_Directory
            (Directory_Name: in     POSIX.Pathname);
    function Get_Working_Directory
        return POSIX.Pathname;
end POSIX_Process_Environment;


with Calendar;
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Calendar is
    -- Time information
    type POSIX_Time is private;
    function Clock
        return POSIX_Time;
    function To_Time (Date : POSIX_Time)
        return Calendar.Time;
    function To_POSIX_Time (Date : Calendar.time)
        return POSIX_Time;
    -- operations on POSIX_Time
    subtype Year_Number    is Calendar.Year_Number;
    subtype Month_Number   is Calendar.Month_Number;
    subtype Day_Number     is Calendar.Day_Number;
    subtype Day_Duration   is Calendar.Day_Duration;
    function Year (Date: POSIX_Time)
        return Year_Number;
    function Month (Date: POSIX_Time)
        return Month_Number;
    function Day (Date: POSIX_Time)
        return Day_Number;
    function Seconds (Date: POSIX_Time)
        return Day_Duration;
    procedure Split
            (Date   : in     POSIX_Time;
             Year   :    out Year_Number;
             Month  :    out Month_Number;
             Day    :    out Day_Number;
             Seconds:    out Day_Duration);
    function Time_Of
            (Year    : Year_Number;
             Month   : Month_Number;
             Day     : Day_Number;
             Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0)
        return POSIX_Time;
    function "+" (L: POSIX_Time; R: Duration)
        return POSIX_Time;
    function "+" (L: Duration;   R: POSIX_Time)
        return POSIX_Time;
    function "-" (L: POSIX_Time; R: Duration)
        return POSIX_Time;
    function "-" (L: POSIX_Time; R: POSIX_Time)
        return Duration;
    function "<"  (L, R: POSIX_Time)
        return Boolean;
    function "<=" (L, R: POSIX_Time)
        return Boolean;
    function ">"  (L, R: POSIX_Time)
        return Boolean;
    function ">=" (L, R: POSIX_Time)
        return Boolean;
    Time_Error :    exception
                    renames Calendar.Time_Error;
end POSIX_Calendar;


with POSIX;
package POSIX_Configurable_System_Limits is
    -- Operations to get the configurable system limits
    function Argument_List_Maximum
        return POSIX.Argument_List_Maxima;
    function Child_Processes_Maximum
        return POSIX.Child_Processes_Maxima;
    function Groups_Maximum
        return POSIX.Groups_Maxima;
    function Open_Files_Maximum
        return POSIX.Open_Files_Maxima;
    function Job_Control_Supported
        return POSIX.Job_Control_Support;
    function Saved_IDs_Supported
        return POSIX.Saved_IDs_Support;
    function Stream_Maximum
        return POSIX.Stream_Maxima;
    function Time_Zone_String_Maximum
        return POSIX.Time_Zone_String_Maxima;
    type POSIX_Version is range 1970_01 .. 2099_12;
    function System_POSIX_Version
        return POSIX_Version;
    function System_POSIX_Ada_Version
        return POSIX_Version;
end POSIX_Configurable_System_Limits;


with POSIX;
package POSIX_Permissions is
    type Permission is
        (Others_Execute, Others_Write, Others_Read,
         Group_Execute,  Group_Write,  Group_Read,
         Owner_Execute,  Owner_Write,  Owner_Read,
         Set_Group_ID,   Set_User_Id);
    type Permission_Set is array (Permission) of Boolean;
      pragma Pack (Permission_Set);
    Owner_Permission_Set : constant Permission_Set 
                         := Permission_Set'(
          Owner_Read | Owner_Write | Owner_Execute => true,
          others => false);
    Group_Permission_Set : constant Permission_Set 
                         := Permission_Set'(
          Group_Read | Group_Write | Group_Execute => true,
          others => false);
    Others_Permission_Set : constant Permission_Set 
                          := Permission_Set'(
          Others_Read | Others_Write | Others_Execute => true,
          Others => false);
    Access_Permission_Set : constant Permission_Set
                          := Permission_Set'(
          Owner_Read  | Owner_Write  | Owner_Execute => true,
          Group_Read  | Group_Write  | Group_Execute => true,
          Others_Read | Others_Write | Others_Execute => true,
          Others => false);
    Set_Group_ID_Set : constant Permission_Set
                     := Permission_Set'(
          Set_Group_ID => true,
          others => false);
    Set_User_ID_Set : constant Permission_Set 
                    := Permission_Set'(
          Set_User_ID => true,
          others => false);
    -- POSIX Permission-oriented operations
    function Get_Allowed_Process_Permissions
        return Permission_Set;
    procedure Set_Allowed_Process_Permissions
            (Permissions : in     Permission_Set);
    procedure Set_Allowed_Process_Permissions
            (Permissions : in     Permission_Set;
             Old_Perms   :    out Permission_Set);
end POSIX_Permissions;


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Files is
    -- Operations to Create Files in the File System
    procedure Create_Directory
            (Pathname   : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             Permission : in        POSIX_Permissions.Permission_Set);
    procedure Create_FIFO
            (Pathname   : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             Permission : in        POSIX_Permissions.Permission_Set);
    -- Operations to remove files from the File System
    procedure Unlink (Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname);
    procedure Remove_Directory (Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname);
    -- Predicates on files in the File System
    function Is_File (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Directory (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_FIFO (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Character_Special_File (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Block_Special_File (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    -- Operations to modify File Pathnames
    procedure Link
            (Old_Pathname : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             New_Pathname : in        POSIX.Pathname);
    procedure Rename
            (Old_Pathname : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             New_Pathname : in        POSIX.Pathname);
    -- Iterating over files within a directory
    type Directory_Entry is limited private;
    function Filename_Of (D_Entry : Directory_Entry)
        return POSIX.Filename;
        with procedure Action
                     (D_Entry : in     Directory_Entry;
                      Quit    : in out Boolean);
    procedure For_Every_Directory_Entry 
            (Pathname : in     POSIX.Pathname);
    -- Operations to Update File Status Information
    procedure Change_Owner_And_Group
            (Pathname : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             Owner    : in        POSIX_Process_Indentification.User_ID;
             Group    : in        POSIX_Process_Indentification.Group_ID);
    procedure Change_Permissions
            (Pathname   : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             Permission : in        POSIX_Permissions.Permission_Set);
    procedure Set_File_Times
            (Pathname          : in        POSIX.Pathname;
             Access_Time       : in        POSIX_Calendar.Posix_Time;
             Modification_Time : in        POSIX_Calendar.Posix_Time);
    procedure Set_File_Times (Pathname : in        POSIX.Pathname);
    -- Operations to Determine File Accessibility
    type Access_Mode is (Read_Ok, Write_Ok, Execute_Ok);
    type Access_Mode_Set is array (Access_Mode) of Boolean;
    function Is_Accessible
            (Pathname     : POSIX.Pathname;
             Access_Modes : Access_Mode_Set)
        return Boolean;
    function Accessibility
            (Pathname     : POSIX.Pathname;
             Access_Modes : Access_Mode_Set)
        return POSIX.Error_Code;
    function Is_File_Present (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Existence (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Error_Code;
end POSIX_Files;


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_File_Status is
    type Status is private;
    -- Operations to Obtain File Status
    function Get_File_Status (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Status;
    function Get_File_Status (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Status;
    -- Operations to get information from Status
    type File_ID is private;
    type Device_ID is private;
    subtype Links is natural range 0 .. POSIX.Link_Limit_Maxima'last;
    function Permission_Set_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_Permissions.Permission_Set;
    function File_ID_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return File_ID;
    function Device_ID_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return Device_ID;
    function Link_Count_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return Links;
    function Owner_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.User_ID;
    function Group_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.Group_ID;
    function Size_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_IO_Count;
    function Last_Access_Time_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_Calendar.Posix_Time;
    function Last_Modification_Time_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_Calendar.Posix_Time;
    function Last_Status_Change_Time_Of (File_Status : Status)
        return POSIX_Calendar.Posix_Time;
    function Is_Directory (File_Status : Status)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Character_Special_File (File_Status : Status)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Block_Special_File (File_Status : Status)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_Regular_File (File_Status :Status)
        return Boolean;
    function Is_FIFO (File_Status :Status)
        return Boolean;
end POSIX_File_Status;


with POSIX,
package POSIX_Configurable_File_Limits is
    -- link limits
    function Link_Is_Limited (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Link_Is_Limited (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Link_Limit (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Link_Limit_Maxima;
    function Link_Limit (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Link_Limit_Maxima;
    -- input line limits
    function Input_Line_Is_Limited (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Input_Line_Is_Limited (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Input_Line_Limit (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Input_Line_Limit_Maxima;
    function Input_Line_Limit (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Input_Line_Limit_Maxima;
    -- input queue limits
    function Input_Queue_Is_Limited (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Input_Queue_Is_Limited (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Input_Queue_Limit (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Input_Queue_Limit_Maxima;
    function Input_Queue_Limit (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Input_Queue_Limit_Maxima;
    -- filename and pathname limits
    function Filename_Is_Limited (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Filename_Is_Limited (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Filename_Limit (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Filename_Limit_Maxima;
    function Filename_Limit (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Filename_Limit_Maxima;
    function Pathname_Is_Limited (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Pathname_Is_Limited (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Pathname_Limit (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Pathname_Limit_Maxima;
    function Pathname_Limit (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Pathname_Limit_Maxima;
    -- pipe length limits
    function Pipe_Length_Is_Limited (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return Boolean;
    function Pipe_Length_Is_Limited (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Pipe_Length_Limit (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Pipe_Limit_Maxima;
    function Pipe_Length_Limit (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Pipe_Limit_Maxima;
    -- change owner restriction
    function Change_Owner_Is_Restricted (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Change_Owner_Restriction;
    function Change_Owner_Is_Restricted (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Change_Owner_Restriction;
    function Filename_Is_Truncated (Pathname : POSIX.Pathname)
        return POSIX.Filename_Truncation;
    function Filename_Is_Truncated (File     : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Filename_Truncation;
end POSIX_Configurable_File_Limits;


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_IO is
    -- common type declarations
    type File_Descriptor is range 0..POSIX.Open_Files_Maxima'Last - 1;
      for File_Descriptor'Size use 32;
    Standard_Input  : constant File_Descriptor := 0;
    Standard_Output : constant File_Descriptor := 1;
    Standard_Error  : constant File_Descriptor := 2;
    type IO_Offset is range -2**31 .. 2**31-1;
    -- File Modes and Options
    type File_Mode is (Read_Only, Write_Only, Read_Write);
    type Open_Option_Set is new POSIX.Option_Set;
      -- Empty_Set, "+" and "-" are derived operations
    Non_Blocking                : constant Open_Option_Set;
    Append                      : constant Open_Option_Set;
    Truncate                    : constant Open_Option_Set;
    Exclusive                   : constant Open_Option_Set;
    Not_Controlling_Terminal    : constant Open_Option_Set;
    -- Operations to open or close file descriptors
    function Open
            (Name           : POSIX.Pathname;
             Mode           : File_Mode;
             Options        : Open_Option_Set := Empty_Set;
             Masked_Signals : POSIX.Signal_Masking := POSIX.RTS_Signals)
        return File_Descriptor;
    function Open_Or_Create
            (Name           : POSIX.Pathname;
             Mode           : File_Mode;
             Permissions    : POSIX_Permissions.Permission_Set;
             Options        : Open_Option_Set := Empty_Set;
             Masked_Signals : POSIX.Signal_Masking := POSIX.RTS_Signals)
       return File_Descriptor;
    function Is_Open (File : File_Descriptor) 
        return Boolean;
    procedure Close 
            (File           : in     File_Descriptor;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    function Duplicate
           (File   : File_Descriptor;
            Target : File_Descriptor := 0)
        return File_Descriptor;
    function Duplicate_and_Close
            (File           : File_Descriptor;
             Target         : File_Descriptor := 0;
             Masked_Signals : POSIX.Signal_Masking := POSIX.RTS_Signals)
        return File_Descriptor;
    procedure Create_Pipe
            (Read_End  :    out File_Descriptor;
             Write_End :    out File_Descriptor);
    -- File Input/Output operations
    subtype IO_Buffer is POSIX.POSIX_String;
    procedure Read
            (File           : in      File_Descriptor;
             Buffer         :    out  IO_Buffer;
             Last           :    out  POSIX_IO_Count;
             Masked_Signals : in      POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    procedure Write
            (File           : in     File_Descriptor;
             Buffer         : in     IO_Buffer;
             Last           :    out POSIX_IO_Count;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
        type T(<>) is private;
    procedure Generic_Read
            (File           : in     File_Descriptor;
             Item           :    out T;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
        type T(<>) is private;
    procedure Generic_Write
            (File           : in     File_Descriptor;
             Item           : in     T;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    -- File position operations
    type Position is
             (From_Beginning, From_Current_Position, From_End_Of_File);
    procedure Seek
            (File           : in     File_Descriptor;
             Offset         : in     IO_Offset;
             Result         :    out IO_Offset;
             Starting_Point : in     Position := From_Beginning);
    function File_Size (File : File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX_IO_Count;
    function File_Position (File : File_Descriptor)
        return IO_Offset;
    -- Terminal operations
    function Is_A_Terminal (File : File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    function Get_Terminal_Name (File : File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX.Pathname;
    -- File Control operations
    procedure Get_File_Control 
            (File    : in     File_Descriptor;
             Mode    :    out File_Mode;
             Options :    out Open_Option_Set);
    procedure Set_File_Control
            (File    : in     File_Descriptor;
             Options : in     Open_Option_Set);
    function Get_Close_On_Exec (File : File_Descriptor)
        return Boolean;
    procedure Set_Close_On_Exec 
            (File : in     File_Descriptor;
             To   : in     Boolean := True);


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_File_Locking is
    type Lock_Kind is (Read_Lock, Write_Lock, Unlock);
    type File_Lock (Whole_File: Boolean := True) is 
        Lock : Lock_Kind;
        case Whole_File is
          when True => null;
          when False =>
            Starting_Point : POSIX_IO.Position;
            Start          : POSIX_IO.IO_Offset;
            Length         : POSIX_IO_Count;
        end case;
      end record;
    procedure Get_Lock
            (File    : in     POSIX_IO.File_descriptor;
             Lock    : in     File_Lock;
             Result  :    out File_Lock;
             Process :    out POSIX_Process_Indentification.Process_ID);
    procedure Set_Lock
            (File : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Lock : in     File_Lock);
    procedure Wait_To_Set_Lock
            (File           : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Lock           : in     File_Lock;
             Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                            := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
end POSIX_File_Locking;


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Terminal_Functions is
    -- Special Characters used in terminal input
    Null_POSIX_Character : constant POSIX.POSIX_Character 
                         := POSIX.POSIX_Character'VAL(0);
    Flag_POSIX_Character : constant POSIX.POSIX_Character 
                         := POSIX.POSIX_Character'VAL(255);
    -- Get and Define Terminal operating characteristics
    type Terminal_Characteristics is private;
    Invalid_Terminal_Characteristics : constant Terminal_Characteristics;
    function Get_Terminal_Characteristics
            (File : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return Terminal_Characteristics;
    type Terminal_Action_Times is
            (Immediately, After_Output, After_Output_And_Input);
    procedure Set_Terminal_Characteristics
            (File            : in    POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Characteristics : in     Terminal_Characteristics;
             Apply           : in    Terminal_Action_Times := Immediately;
             Masked_Signals  : in    POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                             := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    type Terminal_Modes is
         -- Subtype Input_Modes:
        (Interrupt_On_Break, Map_CR_To_LF, Ignore_Break,
         Ignore_CR, Ignore_Parity_Errors, Map_LF_To_CR,
         Enable_Parity_Check, Strip_Character, Enable_Start_Stop_Input,
         Enable_Start_Stop_Output, Mark_Parity_Errors,
         -- Subtype Output_Modes:
         -- Subtype Control_Modes:
         Ignore_Modem_Status, Enable_Receiver, Send_Two_Stop_Bits,
         Hang_Up_On_Last_Close, Parity_Enable, Odd_Parity,
         -- Subtype Local_Modes:
         Echo, Echo_Erase, Echo_Kill, Echo_LF, Canonical_Input,
         Extended_Functions, Enable_Signals, No_Flush,
    subtype Input_Modes is Terminal_Modes
         range Interrupt_On_Break .. Mark_Parity_Errors;
    subtype Output_Modes is Terminal_Modes
         range Perform_Output_Processing .. Perform_Output_Processing;
    subtype Control_Modes is Terminal_Modes
        range Ignore_Modem_Status .. Odd_Parity;
    subtype Local_Modes is Terminal_Modes
        range Echo .. Send_Signal_For_BG_Output;
    type Terminal_Modes_Set is array (Terminal_Modes) of Boolean;
    subtype Bits_Per_Character is Positive range 5..8;
    type Baud_Rate is
        (B0, B50, B75, B110, B134, B150, B200, B300, B600,
         B1200, B1800, B2400, B4800, B9600, B19200, B38400);
    function Terminal_Modes_Of
            (Characteristics : Terminal_Characteristics)
        return Terminal_Modes_Set;
    procedure Define_Terminal_Modes
            (Characteristics : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Modes           : in     Terminal_Modes_Set);
    function Bits_Per_Character_Of
            (Characteristics : Terminal_Characteristics)
        return Bits_Per_Character;
    procedure Define_Bits_Per_Character
            (Characteristics : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Bits            : in     Bits_Per_Character);
    function Input_Baud_Rate_Of
            (Characteristics : Terminal_Characteristics)
        return Baud_Rate;
    procedure Define_Input_Baud_Rate
            (Characteristics : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Input_Baud_Rate : in     Baud_Rate);
    function Output_Baud_Rate_Of
            (Characteristics : Terminal_Characteristics)
        return Baud_Rate;
    procedure Define_Output_Baud_Rate
            (Characteristics  : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Output_Baud_Rate : in     Baud_Rate);
    type Control_Character_Selector is
        (EOF_Char, EOL_Char, Erase_Char, Interrupt_Char,
         Kill_Char, Quit_Char, Suspend_Char, Start_Char, Stop_Char);
    function Special_Control_Character_Of
            (Characteristics : Terminal_Characteristics;
             Selector        : Control_Character_Selector)
        return POSIX.POSIX_Character;
    procedure Define_Special_Control_Character
            (Characteristics : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Selector        : in     Control_Character_Selector;
             Char            : in     POSIX.POSIX_Character);
    procedure Disable_Control_Character
            (Characteristics : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Selector        : in     Control_Character_Selector);
    function Input_Time_Of (Characteristics: Terminal_Characteristics)
        return Duration;
    procedure Define_Input_Time
            (Characteristics : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Input_Time      : in     Duration);
    function Minimum_Input_Count_Of
            (Characteristics : Terminal_Characteristics)
        return Natural;
    procedure Define_Minimum_Input_Count
            (Characteristics     : in out Terminal_Characteristics;
             Minimum_Input_Count : in     Natural);
    -- Line Control Operations
    procedure Send_Break
            (File         : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             The_Duration : in     Duration := 0.0);
    procedure Drain 
             (File           : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
              Masked_Signals : in     POSIX.Signal_Masking 
                             := POSIX.RTS_Signals);
    type Queue_Selector is
        (Received_But_Not_Read, Written_But_Not_Transmitted, Both);
    procedure Discard_Data
            (File     : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Selector : in     Queue_Selector);
    type Flow_Action is
        (Suspend_Output, Restart_Output, Transmit_Stop, Transmit_Start);
    procedure Flow
            (File   : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Action : in     Flow_Action);
    -- Foreground Process Group ID
    function Get_Process_Group_ID
            (File : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor)
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.Process_Group_ID;
    procedure Set_Process_Group_ID
            (File     : in     POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
             Group_ID : in     POSIX_Process_Indentification.Process_Group_ID);
    -- Get pathname of current controlling terminal for the current process
   function Get_Controlling_Terminal_Name     
       return POSIX.Pathname;
end POSIX_Terminal_Functions;


with POSIX,
with <implementation-defined>;
package POSIX_Supplement_to_Ada_IO is
    type File_Structure_Values is (Regular, FIFO);
    type Terminal_Input_Values is (Lines, Characters);
    type Possible_File_Descriptor (Valid : Boolean := False) is
        case Valid is
          when True =>
            Descriptor : POSIX_IO.File_Descriptor;
          when False => null;
        end case;
      end record;
    type Form_Values_for_Open is
        Append           : Boolean := False;
        Blocking         : POSIX.Text_IO_Blocking_Behavior
                         := POSIX_IO_Blocking_Behavior;
        Terminal_Input   : Terminal_Input_Values := Lines;
        Page_Terminators : Boolean := True;
        File_Descriptor  : Possible_File_Descriptor;
      end record;
    type Form_Values_for_Create is
        Permission_Mask  : POSIX_Permissions.Permission_Set
                         := POSIX_Permissions.Access_Permission_Set;
        Blocking         : POSIX.Text_IO_Blocking_Behavior
                         := POSIX_IO_Blocking_Behavior;
        Terminal_Input   : Terminal_Input_Values := Lines;
        File_Structure   : File_Structure_Values := Regular;
        Page_Terminators : Boolean := True;
      end record;
    function Form_String (Val  : Form_Values_for_Open)
        return String ;
    function Form_Value (Str : String)
        return Form_Values_for_Open;
    function Form_String (Val  : Form_Values_for_Create)
        return String ;
    function Form_Value (Str  : String)
        return Form_Values_for_Create;
    procedure Flush_All;
    procedure Flush_Text_IO (File : in     Text_IO.File_Type);
        type File_Type is limited private;
    procedure Flush_Sequential_IO (File : File_Type);
        type File_Type is limited private;
    procedure Flush_Direct_IO (File : File_Type);
    Use_Error : exception renames IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
end POSIX_Supplement_to_Ada_IO;


with POSIX,
package POSIX_User_Database is
    type User_Database_Item is private;
    -- operations to get information From a User_Database_Entry
    function User_Name_Of (DB_Item : User_Database_Item)
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    function User_ID_Of (DB_Item : User_Database_Item)
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.User_ID;
    function Group_ID_Of (DB_Item : User_Database_Item)
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.Group_ID;
    function Initial_Directory_Of (DB_Item : User_Database_Item)
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    function Initial_Program_Of (DB_Item : User_Database_Item)
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    -- operations to Get User_Database_Item
    function Get_User_Database_Item
            (UID : POSIX_Process_Indentification.User_ID)
        return User_Database_Item;
    function Get_User_Database_Item (Name : POSIX.POSIX_String)
        return User_Database_Item;
end POSIX_User_Database;


with POSIX,
package POSIX_Group_Database is
    type Group_Database_Item is private;
    type Group_ID_List is private;
    -- operations to get information from a Group_Database_Item
    function Group_Name_Of (DB_Item : Group_Database_Item)
        return POSIX.POSIX_String;
    function Group_ID_Of (DB_Item : Group_Database_Item)
        return POSIX_Process_Indentification.Group_ID;
    function Group_ID_List_Of (DB_Item : Group_Database_Item)
        return Group_ID_List;
    -- iterator over the Group_ID_List
        with procedure Action
                     (ID   : in     POSIX.POSIX_String;
                      Quit : in out Boolean);
    procedure For_Every_Member (List: in     Group_ID_List);
    function Length (Member_List : Group_ID_List)
        return Natural;
    -- operations to get a Group_Database_Item
    function Get_Group_Database_Item
            (GID : POSIX_Process_Indentification.Group_ID)
        return Group_Database_Item;
    function Get_Group_Database_Item (Name : POSIX.POSIX_String)
        return Group_Database_Item;
end POSIX_Group_Database;